Jin Lee
Tänzerin, Choreografin
Jin Lee (South Korea, 1993) is active as a dancer and a choreographer. She received a diploma in dance from SEAD Salzburg Experimental Academy of Dance (AT, 2019), and received a Bachelor of Dance from Dongduck Women's University (KR, 2016). She graduated from university with the highest grades.
As a dancer, she worked with, amongst others, Milla Koistinen <Terrain, 2021; Far Removed, 2022>, Ceren Oran <Who is Frau Troffea?, 2019; Shön Anders; 2019-present, Urge, 2021; Fliegende Wörter, 2021>, Georges Maikel <My cat is a unicorn, 2021>, Jasmine Ellis <Is Susan Lonely?, 2020>, Pilgyun Jeong <Story, 2020>, Eulalia Ayguade Farro (Entredos, 2019), Ingri Fiksdal <Diorama, 2019>, Rotem Weissman <BAUHAUS, 2018; Weed, 2019; AGADA, 2022>, and Julyen Hamilton <Collecting Water, 2018>
She has been involved as co-choreographer and dancer in <Weed, 2019> with Rotem Weissman.In 2022, she received Debütförderung from München Kulturreferat. Together with Jihun Choi, she is working on the piece <HUABUN>. HUABUN will be presented in Hochx theater in March-April 2023.In 2023, together with Rotem Weissman and Jihun Choi, she works on the piece <Prism> for young audiences. Prism is funded by Explore dance as a popup piece. Prism will be presented in schools in Munich in March 2023.